I finally developed the second batch of old negatives from
Grandpa's tin box. This batch was a lot more worn and
scratched than the first but considering some of them were
taken in the 1930's- It's amazing they look this good.
If anyone knows how to photoshop the scratches
and/or make the images a little clearer,
I would be happy to email them to you to work on.
(Does anyone know who is in the photo with Grandpa?)
My mom now has the remainder of the negatives which
are mostly scenery and other events from the Pocatello area.
(trains, planes, track and field races, etc)
We will continue to add them in the coming months as
they are developed so everyone can enjoy them.
they are developed so everyone can enjoy them.
(Above photo: Colleen in her Easter dress)
(Below photo: not sure? possibly Grandpa?
The sign says Leader How Co. American Falls Idaho)
The remainder of the photos(below)
are of James and Ione.
I assume during their courtship in the early 1930's.
(My mom told me today that they would often go to
Craters of the Moon and explore the caves on ropes.
We wondered if the photo of Grandpa
standing on the mountain of rocks was taken there.)