Lucille (standing), Cecil, and Ione
Cecil sitting on the horse, Ione standing next to the horse, and Vera almost in left of picture
Burt and Leona Sant (Ione's aunt and uncle), Luvanah Sant (Ione's mother) Sarah Luvinia Townley (Ione's grandmother)
Luvana, George Oscar Sant, Lucille, Ione. Cecil and Vera
Luvanah (Ione's mother), Lucille Sant (Ione's sister), Sarah Luvenia (Ione's grandmother) Herbert and McKinley (Ione's uncles, 1/2 brothers of Luvanah)
Dale Sant. (Ione's brother) He died in a car accident about 1947.
George Sant Jr. (Ione's grandfather) 12 sons standing behind him.
(This photo is not labeled, but I think it is Lucille, Luvanah, and Cecil Sant).
Sarah Jane Clifford, George Sant Jr. (Ione's grandmother and Grandfather)
Back row: Ione Sant Hendricks, Middle row: Norma, Harold, Vera, George Oscar Sant, Bottom row: Lucille's daughter, Herbert Dale Sant
George Oscar Sant and Luvanah Townley Sant's wedding day
Norma Sant at age 7
Family group sheet of George Sant Jr.