Welcome to the James Alva Hendricks Family Blog

Throughout my life I have always been proud to be a Hendricks and to know so many of you. I have tried to live up to those who have gone before us, sacrificing so much so we could live where we live and have the things we have. We are all blessed with such a rich family history, preceded by so many people. This blog is a place where we can collect and share favorite family pictures, stories and memories of who we are. Please feel free to visit as often as possible and if there are things you want to add or correct, please contact any of the contributors listed on the right side panel. Desmond Tutu once said, "You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. Let us take the time and remember ours together. Mike

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Grandpa's Old Tin Box

Many of the photos that you see on the blog today came from 
a stack of negatives that were found inside an old tin box that
belonged to Grandpa.  He kept a collection of family histories,
obituaries, church records and these priceless negatives inside it.
We wanted everyone to be able to enjoy the photos
and read all the histories that he kept for so many years.
There are still around 50 negatives that we'll be developing
and adding to the blog in the weeks and months to come.
Once we get them all printed, I would be happy to 
make a disc for anyone who wants a copy.

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