Welcome to the James Alva Hendricks Family Blog

Throughout my life I have always been proud to be a Hendricks and to know so many of you. I have tried to live up to those who have gone before us, sacrificing so much so we could live where we live and have the things we have. We are all blessed with such a rich family history, preceded by so many people. This blog is a place where we can collect and share favorite family pictures, stories and memories of who we are. Please feel free to visit as often as possible and if there are things you want to add or correct, please contact any of the contributors listed on the right side panel. Desmond Tutu once said, "You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. Let us take the time and remember ours together. Mike

Monday, October 29, 2012

Lucinda Bess Hendricks (Juel Josiah's mother)

Lucinda Bess Hendricks
            Lucinda Bess Hendricks was born 19 December 1842 in Greenwood New York, the seventh child of Juel Josiah and Laura Richison Bess.  The following names are of her brothers and sisters:  Oliver, James, Laura, Eliza, William, and Lurinda, which was her twin sister.  Her parents were staunch members of the L.D.S. Church, but the shadow of death visited this home and took the beloved father to another clime, and a great responsibility fell upon Laura, the mother of this small group of children.  But undaunted in her faith she began preparing to cross the trackless plains.  Trouble never came singlely.  Two of her children, James and Eliza, were kidnapped by her husband’s mother, who said she was crazy and not fit to take care of her children.  Therefore she had to have a doctor’s certificate to state she was sane before she could get her children back. 
            Laura, a very strong character surmounted all obstacles, so Lucinda crossed the plains with her family in 1848.  She was baptized a member of the Church in Salt Lake City, Utah.  She also receiver her endowments in the Endowment House at the age of seventeen.  Her school teachers were few.  Her school books were the Bible and Book of Mormon. 
            To assist with living expenses she embroidered buckskin gloves and various other things. 
            In a social way she partook of the activities of the young people, and many times attended banquets at the home of Brigham Young.  Later in life at the age of 23 she became the plural wife of Joseph Smith Hendricks and to that union was born eight children names as follows:  Juel, Laura L., William D., John H., Lurinda A., Asa O., Lola E, and Hyrum S.  She fought the good fight, and lived and died a true Latter-day Saint.  She was also a Relief Society worker.  Prayer was her watchword and all her troubles and sorrows were told to the Lord, and He in return gave her strength to carry on. 
            Dear Blessed Mother, I get so lonesome to see your dear face, but I know you are happy up there in you lot and place, so let us as her descendants, dare to do right, and dare to be true, and do the work she would have us do. 
            She has eight children, thirty-eight grandchildren, and number of great grand children, a few great great grandchildren. 

                                                                                    Lurinda A. Hendricks Leavitt

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